Passivhaus (sometimes known as Passive House) is a voluntary low-energy building standard. It aims to provide occupants with a high level of comfort (heating and cooling) while using barely any energy. Homes can achieve this through Passivhaus design principles, which are highly energy-efficient, boasting little-to-no running costs or carbon emissions.
Our electric heated glass is triple insulating and laminated glass capable
of emitting radiant heat with an intensity of up to 60 degrees.
A totally transparent conductive layer is applied on the glass surface which works as a heating element. Visually, the glass is no different from conventional glasses but thanks to its properties it offers unique advantages that cannot be found in other glasses. Also, its unique feature allows reducing heat coming into the property during hot summer days.
Digital services are transforming our homes into much more than just where we live – from maximizing the efficiency of remote work to creating safe, functional respites from the daily grind – connectivity is making our lives easier and more efficient. Sensors collect real-time data continuously to automate lighting, heating, and appliances, minimizing energy consumption while maximizing convenience. Secure, seamless wireless connectivity is paramount in making homes smarter.
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